Unknownproject's Lair.

Reverse engineering stuff.

Arkham Origins: BlackGate. Deluxe Edition. Screenshot

Bluepoint Engine Options
Command line options:

-?		                Show this help
-f		                Fullscreen mode
-w [width]		        width of frame buffer (optional: default 640)
-h [height]	            height of frame buffer (optional: default 480)
-r [aspect]		        force aspect ratio (optional: calculated automatically)
-nv		                Don't wait for vsync, run at max framerate.
-u [MaxUpdates]	        Dont do more than MaxUpdates per render. Default 2.
-s[ServerName]	        Same connection server name
-i [InitialWorld]	    Initial World, can be local or asset path.
-vf [ScriptVarsFile]	Text file containing initial values for lua script vars.
-vc [ScriptVars]	    Initial values for lua script vars.
-aw [HWND]	            Internal use, used to parent game into maya viewport.
-g [guid]		        Guid for the game connection to identify the game.
-d [DependencyFile]	   .bpdeps binary file containing asset dependencies.

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2019 - 3019 (c) unknownproject Copyright material used under fair use for research and improvement purposes.